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Chinese Boys marry Pakistani Girls

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Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) arrested more than 19 suspects for allegedly cheating Pakistani girls in China after the news of Pakistani girls' marriage in China.

After the arrests of these people, reports of more women return from Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore.

But in this case, a lot of information about parents trapped in the marriage process came to normal.

A major reason for this is the role of embarrassment after coming to the events which parents did not want to talk about.

In the same way, two parents expressed satisfaction to the BBC to talk about their daughters going to China and after the information about bodybuilding.

Along with that, he also highlighted what was happening in the entire incident during his entirety and what were the reasons for which he offered his daughters to marry in China.

The names of these parents have been mentioned in order to hide identity.


'My name is Samina and I am a resident of Lahore, Mahmood Boti Square. Here we are even more Christian families. I was surprised when I was told that my 19-year-old daughter came to a foreign country for Sakina.We live in a living room. His father was cleaner, he has died and our house runs from his pension (12000) and daughter's earnings (9000). My daughter Garment works in the factory and her two friends told her about this relationship. It was not understand why we were so unhappy at such poor people so suddenly.

It's a matter of last year. Two friends of Sinai came and arranged to our house and said that a Chinese person is searching for a good house for herself and she has liked your family. If we do not go anywhere, then where did they see us?

I did this thing with my daughter and talked to a relative of her father. I did not like this relationship from the beginning. But my daughter wanted to marry for the sake of her future.

By listening to her I also felt what I have given it till now? I have four daughters and two boys, and no one has studied. We never got so much money to think of their education. And then if my daughter was getting an opportunity that she could do something for herself, then I did it. Although my heart was not feeling.

The skin of our own people also proved to be harmful for us.

I told the two friends of Sakina, "Do not think much good relationships do not come everyday and I also thought that I could not bring such a good relationship." But now I think that it was better that my daughter would not have got married, at least she would not have been so helpless.

We asked the boy to meet but we were told that the boy is in Islamabad, come here and see. I did not say anything about this. I was told that Lahore could not come because of work engagement. So do not be miserable.

All these things took a month. It was said later that your daughter will also send and send passports for the Islamabad Medical Test.

I said my daughter will not go anywhere without marriage. Then she got married. It seemed like we were guests at our home wedding. All those people managed to stop and even call more people.

Three days after reaching Islamabad, my daughter phoned and said that I am coming. And I asked without asking him back.

Then my daughter insisted that she does not have to go back. It was said that these people are not right, my marriage is not correct, the boy is not Christian, but he does not accept any religion.

Then his friend called the phone. They are saying that they are saying that send it to the airport, give Rs. 3 lakhs. I said son, I want to send the girl married and I do not have to sell. And then I closed the conversation with Sakina.

We did not tell anyone what happened and the phones started to use less. But somehow it spread. Meet me to listen to all kinds of things. Talking to the local community that we want to sell a girl and earn money.

The location in which I have never asked anything for so many years, in the same place, I have been named as a daughter-in-law.


'I did not stop giving my daughter any statement in the media, but she spoke. I also prohibited him from this relationship, but we were forced to fight against him. Good relationships everyone like, but if we are in languages ​​we are better then.

I did not want to talk to you, but at this time our situation is like telling me why it was married. I am currently suffering mental illness.

Our relationship is from Faisalabad. The father of the father-in-law runs Rishshha and lives with two other daughters in Faisalabad.

I live in Islamabad with my daughter because she works in parlor and earns her school's fee for her younger sister. I have only one son and he is in the army.

Son does not give us more money, but if he wishes, he does not give anything. Father keeps his child running and keeps the remaining two children and the measure takes care of his work.

We neither speak Chinese, nor do we know anything about Chinese culture. The relationship between the Chinese boy was my sister because her daughter's marriage was also done in Chinese and she used to tell that her daughter is very happy.

I was told that sugar is making a lot of money in Pakistan and that's why Pakistani girls are also getting married.

We did not object to this but our understanding was not understood how our daughter would be there. But then thought the boy is of his own religion, he will take care.Then the measure spoke to me and his father. 
He said that going to China might be very good for our home. He said that he will continue the work of parlor and he will do the job of handling children.

It also provides good money. Which will also save savings for our home and for the sake of further.

So far the point was understandable. His father was angry about the matter of medical tests but I did not say anything special because outside the country has to be tested to go out and Pakistanis do not give such visas.

It was a while when our daughter went to Faisalabad to Islamabad.

There were seven more people with him and he was asked to take care of his husband's friends too.

What did he mean, he understood me when he returned to my daughter's house. Then you talked everywhere. My relatives came to the phone, not to know how my daughter was, but to ask if my daughter did not name them anywhere.

At the same time my son was getting angry with why my sister is talking in the media. If she does not talk then many girls do not know what's happening.

We are not meeting anyone at this time. Everywhere goes the first question is why you did this with your daughter?

Even my sister does not talk, even though she had brought these relationships. After this whole incident, we were felt like we are guilty. What is a good future thought for your children?

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